Teaching Beginner Reading  

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                                                                                                        teaching beginning reading

When teaching beginner reading you should start with reading in bed

I don’t know what is the best age to start teaching beginner reading, but start as soon as you can with reading in bed. This gets your

child involved with reading at an early age and it doesn’t take long before the child wants to read by herself. Also it is increasing her vocabulary and imagination, and both these are important when teaching beginner reading. 

If you really want to give your kid a head start bring out the Montessori sandpaper letters and let her trace the letters just to feel the sandpaper.

This tracing sandpaper letters is preparing your child to write so the Montessori method is actually killing two birds with one stone. When teaching beginner reading you should try and instill a love of reading into your child as this goes a long way to helping your child grasp reading. Montessori says that a child will show you when she is ready to learn to read by looking at books and tracing the letters by herself. Some children just need a little prompting and that usually means reading as often as possible. 

If you child shows very little interest in reading just persist with the reading. 

To teach beginner reading you should bring in phonics as phonics seem to be the most effective way of teaching reading. They give the child the code to decipher the written word into the spoken word and visa versa. And when teaching phonics you can break it down to a phonic sound a day. This way you are adding to what your child already knows. Again I prefer the Montessori approach as I think it is the most effective.

For more information about phonics courses I recommend including a Montessori course see our Teach Reading page.





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